
I am happily married to a fantastic Newfoundlander, with two fabulous kids, and one sweet morkie.

I cherish my friends, derive immense satisfaction from organizing baby showers and pantries, am recently infatuated with baking, admit to a slight gift-wrapping addiction, have a huge heart for missions, and live to help others grow closer to God.

It recently dawned on me that I have had a life-long love affair with education. I love being a student. I love being a teacher. I love being a course facilitator. And for 18 years, I loved being a course developer – only I used to teach people how to use software. Now I would like to help teach you how build your relationship with your Heavenly Father through examining the Word and experiencing life with Him.

It’s easier to experience God personally in your life when you understand who He really is, and who you really are because of your relationship to Him. I hope to help illuminate truths about how much we can trust Him with our lives, and the blessings and freedoms that are ours through our relationship to Him.

Sometimes the difference between disillusionment and joy is knowledge: the knowledge of His character, His promises, and the covenant we are in with Him opens the door to a world of hope and encouragement that has been there this whole time; we just needed to know about it.

I’m not an expert, but I am an eager student. I’ve sometimes found that passionate students make excellent teachers. So from one passionate student to another, I’m glad you’re here! Grab your favorite beverage, pull up a comfy chair, and I’ll happily share with you what I’ve learned so far.