Let me help bring you to Jesus.
Jesus said:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:28-30)
My heart is to find people who are down, pick them up, and bring them to Jesus.
I’m not a doctor, nurse, or therapist. I can’t diagnose or fix your problems. But I know the One who can.
Jesus wants to lighten your load, teach you about Himself, build the sweetest relationship with you, and help you with every problem that you’re facing. You just need to come to him. And I want to help get you there.

How I can bring you to Jesus?
Whatever you are walking through, I want to expose you to and remind you of truths about God and Jesus as found in scripture and illustrated through my personal stories and experiences.

Check in often, or better yet Subscribe, to get fresh insights into what the Word really says about who you are, the gifts you have, how much God dearly loves you, and what He is already doing in your life.

The first time I ever posted a comment on a public website, a women replied to my post and asked, “When will we be blessed with your book?” It’s here! If you ever struggle with trusting God when facing trials, I hope I can help.

Looking to dig a little deeper into an issue you’re facing? Need clarity on a problem you’ve been stuck in and can’t get free from? Check out these free downloads that look at what the Bible has to say about it and what that looks like in real life.

Got a question? Are you looking for someone to facilitate a class on Memory Stones or looking for a speaker for a women’s conference? Reach out and let’s chat!